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Local History & Genealogy

The Decatur Library hous­es mate­ri­als by and about DeKalb Coun­ty and its cit­i­zens, DeKalb Coun­ty gov­ern­men­tal activ­i­ties, and Geor­gia his­to­ry and geneal­o­gy. Some of these items are for in-library use only.

City direc­to­ries (some in print and some on micro­film) dat­ing back to 1928 are cur­rent­ly at the Ref­er­ence Desk on the 2nd floor. 

The fol­low­ing mate­ri­als are on microfilm:

  • Ear­ly local, state and area newspapers
  • Cen­sus records — 1820 – 1920 for Georgia
  • San­born maps for Georgia
  • Savan­nah Pas­sen­ger Lists for 1906 – 1945
  • A vari­ety of resources of inter­est to those doing research is on micro­fiche, including:
    • Geor­gia Death Index 1919 – 1993 (19941999 on CD-Rom)
    • Geor­gia Mar­riage Reg­is­ter 1964 – 1992
    • Geor­gia Divorce Reg­is­ter 1965 – 1992
    • Decatur Ceme­tery records for 1837 – 1979