
Teen Resources

With resources cov­er­ing home­work help, job search­es, the path to inde­pen­dence and more, we have what you need here, as well as resources for par­ents and teachers.

YA Reading Lists

Look­ing for some­thing to read? No mat­ter your inter­ests, here are a few lists to get you started.

100 Books Before Graduation

We chal­lenge you to read 100 books before grad­u­a­tion! Join the chal­lenge at dekalbli​brary​.beanstack​.org.

Between the Stacks

Read cur­rent and past issues of Between the Stacks, DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s quar­ter­ly teen zine.

Teens, Get Involved!

The library pro­vides many oppor­tu­ni­ties for you to devel­op lead­er­ship skills and make a dif­fer­ence in your community!

Raising Resilience Books

Books fea­tur­ing teen char­ac­ters who over­come the strug­gles of life and emerge resilient. Cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta.

eBooks & eAudiobooks

OverDrive / Libby

eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines. 20 check­outs and 15 holds at a time for eBooks and eAu­dio. Unlim­it­ed check­outs, no wait­ing for Magazines.

Avail­able on desk­top or most devices through the Lib­by app.

Get the app: iOS | Android

Need help using OverDrive / Libby? Click here!


Music, TV, Movies, Comics, eBooks, eAu­dio — instant access, no holds, no wait­ing. Stream or down­load using the hoopla app (rec­om­mend­ed) or in your brows­er. 10 check­outs per month.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Amazon

Need help using hoopla? Click here!

eBooks on EBSCOhost

Elec­tron­ic books that may be viewed onscreen or down­loaded, includ­ing ref­er­ence books, schol­ar­ly mono­graphs, pub­li­ca­tions of many uni­ver­si­ty press­es, and con­sumer books.

Need help using eBooks on EBSCOhost? Click here!

Upcom­ing Teen Events

July 27th, 10:00 AM
Dunwoody LibraryBook SalesTeensFamily (All Ages)Adults
The Friends of the Dunwoody Library will host a three-day book sale in the Williams Meeting Room at the Dunwoody Library.
July 27th, 1:00 PM
Wesley Chapel-William C. Brown LibraryInformational ProgramsClassesTeens
Join professional car mechanic, H. Herbert Love as he teaches "hands-on" preventive car maintenance.
July 29th, 12:00 AM
Hairston Crossing LibraryFun ActivitiesTweensSchool AgePreschoolers
Complete a fun picnic-themed scavenger hunt and win a small prize. Available throughout July, during open hours.
July 29th, 12:00 AM
Redan-Trotti LibraryArts and CraftsTeens
Learn how to make use of old comic book pages and turn them into something functional. Pick up your kit all month long at the Redan-Trotti Library.
See All Teen Events