Pay Fees Online

Things You Need to Know

  • To view your total amount owed, login to your library account.
  • We accept Pay­Pal, Ven­mo, or cred­it card. All pay­ments are final.
  • Please allow 2 — 3 busi­ness days (exclud­ing week­ends and hol­i­days) for pay­ments to be applied to your library account.
  • If you would like to check out Library mate­ri­als short­ly after you make a pay­ment, show your pay­ment con­fir­ma­tion email for a cour­tesy checkout.
Enter Library Card Number:

Online Pay­ment FAQ

Is there a charge for this ser­vice?
No, there is no addi­tion­al charge to pay online.

How long will it take for my pay­ment to appear on my library account?
Pay­ments will be applied to your library account with­in 2 — 3 busi­ness days, exclud­ing week­ends and holidays.

What hap­pens if I acci­den­tal­ly over­pay my account?
The over­age will cred­it­ed to your library account. See staff at your branch for assistance.

Will I be able to use my library card to access the inter­net imme­di­ate­ly after I make a pay­ment?
Staff can pro­vide guest pass­es for com­put­er use until your pay­ment has been applied. Please see staff at your branch for assistance.

Can I make a cred­it card pay­ment at the circulation/​checkout desk?
No. Cred­it card pay­ments can only be accept­ed online.

Can I pay for oth­er ser­vices online?
No. The Library only accepts cash or check for ser­vices such as meet­ing room fees, com­put­er print­outs, and photocopies.